I just wanted to give a quick news update about my page-- 100 fans have been reached! Thank you all for supporting my work and giving me so much feedback on my pieces. Newgrounds is easily my favorite way to interact with the art community, and it means the world that people interact with my body of work, as well. I have plans for some more pieces in the future, I've signed on to two art collabs, and of course-- Long Gone.
Obviously, Long Gone is currently just an FNF mod. It's been planned to have 3 weeks from its conception and that hasn't changed. But when it's over, I'd really like to do comics/short cartoons in the style of Gorillaz Bitez to flesh out the daily lives and interactions of the band. I'd love to get guest artists, maybe some cameos, maybe even more music composed by the band.
I don't wanna get ahead of myself, but what I mean to say with all this is that I have a lot of ideas I wanna explore. And I'm infinitely grateful that those ideas are beginning to have am audience.
Keep it cool.
- Pale
oh, congrats brudda!